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Parents & Students
The first step to creating a Parent PowerSchool account is to email Jewel van den Ende, HHMS's Instructional Technology Resource Teacher at jvandenende@kwcps.k12.va.us. She will provide you with your student's Access ID and Password.
Once you have the Access ID and Password, you will go to King William's PowerSchool page here: https://kwcps.powerschool.com/public/
On this page, there is a tab that says "Sign In" and another that says "Create Account". You want to go to the “Create Account” tab at the top of the sign-in box and then select the blue "Create Account" button.
Once you start creating the account, you will input your first and last name and email before setting a username and password.
The last step is to attach the student to your parent account. First, put in the student's name. Then, you will enter the Access ID and Access Passwords that were given to you. These are case-sensitive! Finally, select the student's relationship to you.
Once the account is made, it takes you back to the sign-in screen, where you can use the username and password you created to sign in.